An Bord Pleanála grants planning for additional floors at Ship Street Hotel
March 25, 2021
We are delighted to have received planning approval from An Bord Pleanála for an additional floor at our Ship Street hotel project.
This additional height facilitates a further 18 bedrooms and brings the total number of 4-star rooms to 152.
Having already completed the double basement works, we and the entire design team are eagerly looking forward to the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions, and commencing with the superstructure in Q2 2021.
This additional height facilitates a further 18 bedrooms and brings the total number of 4-star rooms to 152.
Having already completed the double basement works, we and the entire design team are eagerly looking forward to the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions, and commencing with the superstructure in Q2 2021.